Collaborate to Innovate: Boosting Innovation in Elite and Grassroots Sport in Europe, Peer Learning Activity
The peer learning activity would be essential in order to take stock of the approaches different EU Member States have towards introducing and implementing policies that foster innovation in the field of sport and physical activity and to identify areas in which EU Member States can collaborate on.
Sport in the EU has a significant economic and social impact, including through innovation in sport. However, this impact often remains underestimated, and the potential benefits remain unreaped. Strengthening the collaboration of EU Member States in the field, including through exchange of good practices and through matchmaking of partners from different EU Member States has the potential to boost innovation in elite and grassroots sport in Europe. Innovation can also contribute to making sport and physical activity accessible to all people in society and especially in big cities where flexible solution must be sought.
The need for collaboration between actors from different EU Member States is obvious, when preparing and implementing projects in the field of innovation in sport under EU funding programmes, such as Horizon Europe. Sharing knowledge through gathering stakeholders from both the sector of sport and of innovation can have additional added value.